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KSA ByLaws

(APPROVED 4-12-08)




ARTICLE I – Name of this Society
ARTICLE II – Purposes of this Society
ARTICLE III – Composition of this Society
ARTICLE IV – Annual Sessions
ARTICLE V – Legislative and Governing Body
ARTICLE VI – Director and Alternate Director
ARTICLE VII – Delegates and Alternate Delegates
ARTICLE IX – Committees
ARTICLE X – Election and Terms of Office
ARTICLE XI – Funds and Expenses
ARTICLE XII – Referendum
ARTICLE XIII – Impeachment
ARTICLE XIV – Amendments




CHAPTER I – Membership
CHAPTER II – Annual Assessments
CHAPTER III – Annual Sessions
CHAPTER IV – Annual Sessions
CHAPTER V – Duties of Officers
CHAPTER VI – Director and Alternate Director
CHAPTER VII – Delegates and Alternate Delegates
CHAPTER VIII – Reimbursement for Meetings
CHAPTER IX – Committees
CHAPTER X – Relationship to the American Society of Anesthesiologist




This Society shall be known as the Kentucky Society of Anesthesiologists.



It shall be the purpose of this Society to associate and affiliate into one organization all of the reputable doctors of medicine in the State of Kentucky, who are engaged in the practice of, or are otherwise interested in the medical specialty of anesthesiology; to encourage specialization in this field and in other ways to make available to more people the benefits to be derived from the services of qualified anesthesiologists; to raise the standards of the specialty by fostering and encouraging research and scientific progress in anesthesiology; to disseminate information in regard to anesthesiology; to protect the public against irresponsible and unqualified practitioners of anesthesiology; to promote editing and publishing in the field of anesthesiology and related fields; to safeguard the professional interests of its members, and in all ways to develop and further the specialty of anesthesiology for the general elevation of the standards of medical practice.



Section 1. The officers of this Society shall be a President, a President-elect, a Secretary-Treasurer, and an Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, who shall be elected by the members of this Society in the manner and for the terms of office hereinafter provided.

Section 2. The Executive Committee shall consist of President, President-elect, Immediate Past President, Secretary-Treasurer, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, Director and Alternate Director to the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.

Section 3. The Director and Alternate Director to the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., shall be elected in the manner and for the terms of office hereinafter provided.

Section 4. The Delegates and Alternate Delegates of this Society to the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., shall be elected in the manner, and for the terms of office hereinafter provided.

Section 5. The Board of Directors of the Kentucky Society of Anesthesiologist will consist of President, Immediate Past President, President-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer, District Director and Alternate District Director and One (1) member in good standing from each of six (6) districts of the State of Kentucky divided by geographical area. Each District Director will be elected by the members of the society in their district, and will have one (1) vote at the Board of Director’s Meeting.

Section 6. The members of this Society shall conform to the classification as described in the Constitution and Bylaws of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Membership in this Society shall be considered a privilege and not a right.

Section 7. The Legislative Committee shall consist of the President, President-Elect, Secretary-Treasurer and a representative of each District. The President-Elect shall be Chairman.

Section 8. The Committee on Communications shall consist of the Secretary-Treasurer, Assistant Secretary-Treasurer and one (1) at large member. This committee will be responsible for the Newsletter.

Section 9. The Nominating Committee shall consist of the Board of Directors.


Section 1. This Society shall hold an Annual Spring Session which shall be open to all members, and during which there shall be held scientific and business meetings. The election of officers shall take place at the Spring Session.

Section 2. The Annual Spring Session shall be held at the time and place fixed by the Executive Committee.

Section 3. The President, or a designated representative as provided for in the Bylaws, shall preside at all meetings of the Society.


The membership in attendance at an Annual Spring Session shall be considered to be the primary legislative and governing body of this Society.



Section 1. The State of Kentucky is a state society of the Board of Directors of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.

Section 2. The Director and Alternate Director of the state society are elected by the membership at the Annual Spring Meeting: the Director serves a three (3) year term, and the Alternate Director is elected annually.


Section 1. The number of Delegates and Alternate Delegates elected by this Society to the American Society of .Anesthesiologists, Inc., shall be established .in the manner provided by the Constitution and Bylaws of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.

Section 2. The powers and duties of the Delegates and Alternate Delegates of this Society to the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. shall be as defined in the Bylaws of the American Society of Anesthesiologists.


Section 1. The members of this Society shall be physicians (MD’s, DO’s) with a license to practice medicine in the State of Kentucky and who practice anesthesiology or pain medicine with good standing and have made appropriate application.

Section 2. The members of this Society shall be elected in the manner provided in the Bylaws.


Section 1. The President shall appoint members to fill vacancies on standing committees.

Section 2. The powers and duties of standing committees and the terms of office of members appointed thereon shall be defined in the Bylaws.

Section 3. The President may appoint any special committees he desires to serve during his term of office.


Section 1. The term of office of the President, President-elect, Secretary-Treasurer, and Assistant Secretary-Treasurer shall be for two years (every odd year). They shall be elected at the Spring Session of the Kentucky Society of Anesthesiologists, customarily held in April or May. They shall assume office at the end of the Annual Session of the American Society of Anesthesiologists.

Section 2. The term of office of the Delegates to the House of Delegates of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. shall be for three years each. The Alternate Delegates shall serve for one year. These terms shall commence at the end of the Annual Session of the American Society of Anesthesiologists. Delegates shall be elected at the Spring Session in the manner provided in the Bylaws.

Section 3. The term of office of the Director of the state society of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. will be 3 years, and the Alternate Director’s term shall be for one year. These terms shall commence at the end of the Annual Session of the American Society of Anesthesiologists.

Section 4. All Officers, Delegates, and other members elected to office shall serve until the successors have been duly elected and have assumed the duties of their offices.


Funds for this Society shall be raised by an equal annual per capita assessment on each class of member other than Resident, Retired and Honorary Members. The amounts of assessment shall be established in the manner provided by the Bylaws. Funds may also be derived by voluntary contributions, from bequests, patents and copyrights, by income from the Society’s publications, investments and in any other manner approved by the Executive Committee. Funds may be appropriated by the membership at the Annual Spring Session and by the Executive Committee to defray the expenses of this Society and for such other purposes as will promote the welfare of anesthesiology.



The membership in meetings at the Annual Spring Session and the Board of Directors may, by a two-thirds vote of the members present at a meeting thereof, order a general referendum on any questions pending before these bodies. The question shall then be submitted to the voting members of this Society who may vote by mail, and if the members voting shall comprise a majority of the members of this Society, a majority vote of the members shall determine the question.



Section 1. Any Officer, Director, Delegate or other official of this Society may be impeached and removed from office upon recommendation by the Executive Committee and subsequent confirmation by a two-thirds majority of the membership in attendance at an Annual Spring Session.

Section 2. All charges for impeachment shall be directed to the Executive Committee, shall be made in writing, and shall be signed by at least ten members who thereby agree to substantiate their statements with proof. If the Executive Committee, after a diligent and careful investigation, finds just and sufficient cause for removal of a particular Officer, Director or Delegate it shall, upon fifteen days notice to the accused, present its findings and recommendation at an Annual Session, or Special Session of the Society. The membership in attendance at that Session shall then permit the accused to present evidence and witnesses in his own behalf, and thereafter shall take final action.

Section 3. Successors for the unexpired terms of impeached officials shall be elected by the Society in accordance with this Constitution and Bylaws.


The membership of this Society may amend this Constitution in either of two ways: a. two-thirds majority of the members present at any Annual Session, provided that any such amendments shall have been recommended by the Board of Directors and forwarded in written form to the entire membership; b. by a three-fourths majority of those voting at any Annual Spring Session.





Section 1. The categories and requirements of the Society shall be as defined in the Bylaws of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.

Section 2. Application for Active Membership shall be endorsed by the Secretary-Treasurer.

Section 3. Honorary Members shall be elected to that category of membership by recommendation of the Board of Directors and subsequent approval by the Society.

Section 4. Application for Resident Membership shall be endorsed by a member of this Society who is directly connected with the applicant’s training or by a suitable doctor of medicine who is an administrative officer of the institution in which the training is being received. All applications for Resident Membership shall be approved by the Secretary-Treasurer. No members shall be continued in the category of Resident Membership for more than five consecutive years.

Section 5. Applications for Affiliate Membership shall be approved by the Executive Committee, according to the Bylaws of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.

Section 6. Applications for Retired Membership shall be approved by the Executive Committee, according to the Bylaws of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.

Section 7. Past Presidents of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., who fulfill the eligibility requirements for Active or Retired Membership in this Society shall be eligible for Life Membership.

Section 8. Members in arrears of payment of dues for two years shall be dropped from membership after adequate notification by the Secretary-Treasurer of the Society.

Section 9. Any member of this Society who is expelled from membership in the American Medical Association, who is guilty of conduct unbecoming a physician and gentleman, who is found guilty in a court of law of a felony, or an offense involving moral turpitude, may be dropped from membership by the Executive Committee. Reinstatement for any member dropped under this Section shall be only by reapplication in the same manner as for original membership and approval of the Executive Committee shall also be necessary for reinstatement.

Section 10. Life, Honorary, Retired and Resident members shall be entitled to all of the benefits and privileges of Active Membership but shall be exempt from the payment of dues.

Section 11. Resident and Affiliate members shall be entitled to participate in all functions of this Society, except that they shall not serve as Officers, Delegates, or Officials and shall not vote. They may be appointed to serve on committees.

Section 12. Active and Resident members of this Society are required to maintain membership in the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Active and Resident members who fail to comply with this provision shall be immediately dropped from membership in this Society.


Section 1. The amount of the annual assessment for Active members shall be determined by the Executive Committee after consideration of the annual budget for the next year, and shall be announced to the membership not less than three months before the due date of the assessments. The amount of the annual assessment for Affiliate members shall be one-half of the amount of the annual assessment for Active members.

Section 2. Annual assessments shall be due and payable on January 15th of each year.

Section 3. Applicants whose membership applications are received prior to July 1st shall pay the full amount of the annual assessment of their category of membership for that year. Applicants whose membership applications are received after July 1st shall pay one-half of the annual assessment of their category of membership for that year.


Section 1. The scientific programs at the Annual Spring Sessions may consist of general meetings and sections as is deemed advisable by the Committee on Programs. There shall also be included in the program of each Session, at least the business meeting, receipt of reports from Officers, Directors, Delegates, committees, and other Officials, and transactions of other business affairs of the Society.

Section 2. .All resolutions and memorials of a general meeting or section intended to be issued in the name of this Society must be referred to the Executive Committee not later than the time set for its last meeting during an Annual Spring Session, and shall have its approval before being issued or becoming effective.

Section 3. The order of business, papers and discussions at a general, or section meeting shall be followed exactly as fixed by the Committee on Programs except when otherwise ordered by a two-thirds vote of the members present.

Section 4. A definite time shall be designated by the Committee on Programs for the annual address of the President.

Section 5. Every member attending the Annual Spring Session will enter his name in the official registration book. When his right to membership has been verified, he shall have the right to participate in all of the privileges of membership of that session.

Section 6. Any person may become a guest of this Society during any Session upon invitation of a member and shall be accorded the privileges of participating in the functions of that session, except of voting.

Section 7. Ten per cent of the active membership shall constitute a quorum for business meetings at all Sessions.

Section 8. Election of Officers and other Officials at the Annual Spring Session shall be by secret ballot unless a single candidate is nominated for an office, whereupon the vote may be taken via voice. A majority of the votes cast shall be necessary to elect. If on any ballot no nominee shall receive a majority, the name receiving the smallest number of votes shall be dropped, and the balloting shall proceed in that manner until a majority is obtained.

Section 9. The Chairman of the Committee on Programs is authorized to extend to any guest speaker a sum to be determined by the Executive Committee


Section 1. The Annual Spring Session shall be held at the time and place fixed by a majority of the members.

Section 2. Notice of the Annual Spring Session and the subjects to be presented shall be forwarded to each member of the Society at least one week in advance of the date established for the meeting.

Section 3. Ten percent of the Active Membership shall constitute a quorum at Annual Spring Session.

Section 4. Election of Officers, Delegates and Alternate Delegates to the House of Delegates of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., and Directors and Alternate Directors of the state society shall be held at the Annual Spring Session.


Section 1. It shall be the duty of the President to counsel with all Officers, Delegates, committees, and members toward the best interests of the public and this Society; to attempt to further the aims and activities of this Society to the fullest extent and to perform such other services as custom, necessity and parliamentary usage require. He shall appoint all committees, except as is otherwise provided. In addition, to being a member and the Presiding Officer of the Executive Committee, he/she shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. He/She shall be extended an opportunity to preside and officiate at all major functions of the Annual Spring Session, and shall deliver an annual address at the time arranged by the Committee on Programs.

Section 2. The President-elect shall familiarize himself with the personnel and work of the various committees and of the Society in general; shall be ready to counsel with the President on matters affecting the future of this Society and shall otherwise prepare himself for assuming the leadership of this Society at the proper time. In the event of the death, resignation, or removal of a President-elect, a successor shall be elected at the following Session of the Society to serve during the presidential term for which his predecessor was elected.

Section 3. The Secretary-Treasurer shall supervise and handle the secretarial matters of this Society, and shall act as the corporate secretary insofar as the execution of official documents, or institution of official actions is required. He shall perform such other duties as are placed upon him by this Constitution and Bylaws. He shall be the custodian of all moneys, securities and valuable papers of this Society, and shall deposit them in safe banking institutions, or invest them, subject to the direction of the membership. He shall be bonded at the expense of this Society in such amount as the Executive Committee may require. He shall pay all authorized obligations of this Society. He shall keep a detailed account of all receipts and disbursements, and shall make an annual report to the Society concerning the financial transactions for the preceding fiscal year, the funds of this Society in his care and his actions as Treasurer. He shall make such other reports as may be requested by the Executive Committee, and shall subject his accounts to such examination that the Executive Committee may at any time order.

Section 4. The Assistant Secretary-Treasurer shall assist the Secretary-Treasurer in the performance of his/her duties and in his/her absence shall perform the Secretary-Treasurer’s responsibilities. The Assistant Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for publishing a newsletter.


Section 1. The Director and Alternate Director shall represent this State Society to the Board of Directors of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.

Section 2. The duties of the Director and Alternate Director are defined by the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.

Section 3. The Director shall be elected for a three-year term, and the Alternate Director for a one year term.

Section 4. The Alternate Director will serve as a Delegate to the House of Delegates of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.


Section 1. The Delegates and Alternate Delegates shall represent this Society in the House of Delegates of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. Delegates shall serve for three years, Alternate Delegates for one year.

Section 2. Delegates and one Alternate Delegates for each two Delegates shall be elected during the election of officers at business meetings of the Annual Spring Session as required by the Constitution. The Alternate Director shall serve as Delegate. The Secretary-Treasurer may serve as Alternate Delegate.

Section 3. In the event a Delegate is unable to attend a meeting or session of the House of Delegates of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., the elected Alternate shall be eligible to serve in his/her place during that meeting or session.

Section 4. Delegates and Alternate Delegates shall, whenever possible, counsel with the officers and Executive Committee of this Society on all matters pending in the House of Delegates of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., in the interest of making certain that actions taken therein are in accord with the desires of this Society.

Section 5. Delegates of this Society are charged with the responsibility of attending each meeting of the House of Delegates of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., or of otherwise making certain that this Society is represented therein.


Section 1. The following Society officers will be reimbursed for meeting attendance as follows:
a. Director – full reimbursement for the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.
b. Alternate Director – full reimbursement for interim and Annual Board Meetings of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. One-half reimbursement shall be paid for Annual Meetings of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc., unless serving as Delegate.
c. Delegates – full reimbursement for the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.
d. Alternate Delegates – one-half reimbursement for the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc.

Section 2. Full reimbursement is defined as plane fare, according to ASA criteria, plus the per diem then currently being paid by the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. One-half reimbursement shall be defined as one-half of the above.

Section 3. Expenses (as above) for meetings deemed to be of significance to the Kentucky Society of Anesthesiologists may be approved by the President at full or one-half rate.


Section 1. The standing committees:
(1) Executive Committee
(2) Board of Directors
(3) Committee on Programs
(4) Legislative Committee
(5) Committee on Communications
(6) Nominating Committee

Section 2. It shall be the duty of the President, except as otherwise provided in these Bylaws, as soon as possible after assuming the duties of his office, to appoint a chairman and other members for each standing committee of this Society. He may also at any time appoint chairmen and members of temporary committees who shall serve during his term of office. It should be the aim and purpose of committee work and committee appointments to divide equitably and to increase the responsibility for the work of this Society among the individual members, thereby stimulating their personal efforts toward betterment of all conditions affecting physicians as individuals and this Society as a whole.

Section 3. Each committee shall submit an annual report to the Secretary not later than thirty days before each Annual Session and shall submit such other reports as the Executive Committee may require.

Section 4. No functions outside of those authorized by these Bylaws may be undertaken by any committee without approval of the Executive Committee of the Society. Expenditures by committees for activities or projects may be anticipated and included in the annual budget of this Society for presentation to and approval of the Society or the Executive Committee. Other expenditures shall not be made, nor shall other obligations be incurred, without the consent and approval of the Executive Committee. Statements for approved expenditures shall be certified by the chairmen of the various committees and forwarded to the Secretary-Treasurer for payment.

Section 5. The Executive Committee of the Society shall be composed of the President, the President-elect, the Secretary-Treasurer, Immediate Past President, Director, Alternate Director and Assistant Secretary-Treasurer. This Committee shall meet once each calendar year and at the call of the President. It shall have authority to act in the interim between the meetings of the Society upon all matters which would ordinarily require the approval of the Society, and which have not been delegated elsewhere by the Constitution and Bylaws.

Section 6. The Board of Directors will be responsible for advising the President and the Executive Committee on all matters relevant to the Kentucky Society of Anesthesiologists, approval of Executive Committee actions and budgetary income and expenditures before presentation to the membership at the Annual Spring Meeting.

Section 7. The Committee on Programs shall consist of at least three members. It shall be the duty of the Committee to plan, prepare and secure the scientific program for all sessions of this Society and also to plan the places of meetings and general arrangements therefore. It shall, at least thirty days prior to each session, furnish to the Secretary-Treasurer a program showing the arrangements and the order in which papers, discussions, and business matters are to be presented at such sessions. At least one member of the Committee shall have served on the retiring Committee.

Section 8. The Legislative Committee will be responsible for the political advocacy of the Kentucky Society of Anesthesiologists. This Committee will interact with legislators, government officials and politically active groups to present the positions and policies fo the Kentucky Society of Anesthesiologists. The Committee will work closely with our lobbyists and help direct Political Action Committee funds to key legislators and candidates.

Section 9. The Committee on Communications will be responsible for informing the membership of the Kentucky Society of Anesthesiologists regarding activities of the society, changes in policy, information regarding state nad national events affecting the practice of anesthesiology. The Committee will publish a newsletter which will be sent to every member as well as notices through email, telephone conference and postage. The Committee will maintain a Kentucky Society of Anesthesiologists web site.

Section 10. The Committee on Nominations shall present to the membership at the Spring Session, the names of candidates for the offices of President-Elect , Secretary-Treasurer; each year the names of candidates for Alternate Delegate; every third year the name of a candidate for Director and one for Alternate Director; and every third year the name of a candidate for Delegate, and should the membership increase to allow an additional Delegate, that Delegate shall be nominated on the third year of such progression. All officers are to take office at the following Annual Session (same year) of the American Society of Anesthesiologists. It shall be the duty of this Committee to choose carefully from the active membership suitable candidates who have indicated a willingness to serve in the capacity for which they have been selected.


Section 1. The Kentucky Society of Anesthesiologists will be bound by the policies, Bylaws and standards of the American Society of Anesthesiologists.

Section 2. The Kentucky Society of Anesthesiologists will participate in the activities, governance and support of the American Society of Anesthesiologists.

Section 3. All members of the Kentucky Society of Anesthesiologists will be members of the American Society of Anesthesiologists.


Last Updated ( Sunday, January 25, 2009 )


The Kentucky Society of Anesthesiologists (KSA) is a professional organization of Anesthesiologists in the State of Kentucky.

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