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The Kentucky Society of Anesthesiologists Political Action Committee

What is a PAC?
. . .a group of individuals, including an association, committee or organization, other than a campaign committee, political issues committee, inaugural committee, or party executive committee, which is established as, or intended to be a permanent organization having as a primary purpose expressly advocating the election or defeat of one (1) or more clearly identified candidates, slates of candidates or political parties, which functions on a regular basis throughout the year. . . [Definition of a Permanent Committee (PAC), KRS 121.015(3)(c)]


What is the KSA-PAC?
This committee was formed during the summer of 2001 as a voluntary, non-profit committee of the Kentucky Society of Anesthesiologists to provide an opportunity for anesthesiologists to have a more effective voice in legislative changes affecting the medical field of anesthesiology, and to foster a more productive and positive relationship with Congress. Your contribution allows for the support of candidates and legislation which directly affects your practice every day.

Who is the leadership of the KSA-PAC?

Currently Dr. Anjum Bux is serving as chairman, and Dr. John Blackburn as Treasurer. If you would like to become involved with the activities of the PAC, please contact either of these two officers, or the Kentucky Society of Anesthesiologists’ office at 1-800-659-0007, or by email to


How can you contribute?

Send your contribution (personal checks or credit cards welcome) to KSA-PAC, PO Box 531 , Florence , Kentucky 41022-0531 . KRS 121.150(10) states “no person shall contribute more than one thousand five hundred dollars ($1,500) to all permanent committees and contributing organizations in any one (1) year”.


Yes!  I want to contribute to KSA-PAC!
Select the Donation Button below and you will be sent to the Donation page.


Or Mail your Donation to:

PO Box 531
Florence, KY 41022-0531





Thank You for Your Support!

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The Kentucky Society of Anesthesiologists (KSA) is a professional organization of Anesthesiologists in the State of Kentucky.

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